So 10 facts about us(me and my boyfriend)
1. He called me baby...I called him bei...hehe
2. Know each other in 2007 coz I texted a wrong number...being friends for 3 months and then declared a its been 4 years and 2 months together hehe
3. Both of us are a mix of Kadazan...I'm Brunei-Kadazan and him Sino-Kadazan
4. He's the type which are so calm and patient...while me the type of short-tempered and impatient, easily panic
5. We texted all day everyday except if he's working or if I got a class...or we in a place with no mobile connection...
6. He born on Valentines day while I born on Teacher's day haha!
7. Our first movie is LOVE IS CINTA an Indonesian movie where Acha Septriasa and Irwansyah in it...
8. He's a Buddha while I am a muslim~ but we respect each others^_^ and he do love Islam
9. When I'm at Labuan for matriculation in 2009/2010, he always tried to make a chance to go and meet me there :)
10. He is 27 years old and me 20 years old..haha~~